How to Get into Vet School!

SB Critical Cure


5. How to Get into Vet School!

Becoming a veterinarian is a rewarding career path for those who love animals and want to make a difference in their lives. However, getting into vet school can be a competitive and challenging process. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the application process and increase your chances of getting into vet school.

Prerequisites for Vet School

Before applying to vet school, it is important to ensure that you meet the necessary prerequisites. These typically include:

  • Bachelor's Degree: Most vet schools require applicants to have a bachelor's degree. While there is no specific major required, many pre-vet students major in biology, animal science, or a related field.
  • Prerequisite Courses: Vet schools have specific course requirements that must be completed before applying. These typically include courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
  • GRE Scores: Many vet schools require applicants to submit scores from the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE).
  • Veterinary Experience: Vet schools look for applicants who have hands-on experience working with animals. This can include volunteering or working at a veterinary clinic, animal shelter, or research facility.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Most vet schools require letters of recommendation from professors, veterinarians, or other professionals who can speak to your qualifications and suitability for the veterinary profession.

Steps to Get into Vet School

  1. Research Vet Schools: Start by researching different vet schools to find the ones that best fit your interests and career goals. Consider factors such as location, program offerings, and faculty expertise.
  2. Complete Prerequisite Courses: Ensure that you have completed all the required prerequisite courses for the vet schools you are interested in. This may involve taking additional courses if you are missing any requirements.
  3. Gain Veterinary Experience: Gain as much hands-on experience working with animals as possible. This can include volunteering or working at a veterinary clinic, animal shelter, or research facility. The more experience you have, the stronger your application will be.
  4. Prepare for the GRE: If the vet schools you are applying to require GRE scores, make sure to prepare for the exam. Study guides and practice tests can help you improve your scores.
  5. Write a Strong Personal Statement: Your personal statement is an opportunity to showcase your passion for veterinary medicine and your qualifications for vet school. Make sure to highlight your experiences, accomplishments, and career goals.
  6. Obtain Letters of Recommendation: Request letters of recommendation from professors, veterinarians, or other professionals who can speak to your qualifications and suitability for the veterinary profession. Make sure to give them plenty of time to write the letters.
  7. Submit Your Application: Submit your application through the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS). Make sure to follow the application instructions carefully and submit all required materials by the deadline.
  8. Prepare for Interviews: If you are invited for an interview, make sure to prepare thoroughly. Research the vet school, practice common interview questions, and be ready to discuss your experiences and career goals.

Tips for a Successful Application

  • Start Early: The application process for vet school can be lengthy and complex. Start early to ensure that you have enough time to complete all the required steps.
  • Stay Organized: Keep track of application deadlines, required materials, and other important information. Staying organized will help you stay on top of the application process.
  • Seek Advice: Don't hesitate to seek advice from professors, veterinarians, or other professionals in the field. They can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the application process.


Getting into vet school is a competitive and challenging process, but with the right preparation and dedication, you can increase your chances of success. Research different vet schools, complete all the required prerequisites, gain hands-on experience, and prepare a strong application. With the right approach, you can achieve your goal of becoming a veterinarian and making a difference in the lives of animals.

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